(3c) Green House Gas Reporting In the Ethylene Manufacturing Sector | AIChE

(3c) Green House Gas Reporting In the Ethylene Manufacturing Sector


Barth, V. - Presenter, Trinity Consultants

The Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Mandatory Reporting rule (MRR), codified in Part 98 of Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, requires numerous manufacturing sectors including ethylene manufacturing plants in the U.S. to report actual GHG emissions from applicable facilities starting from reporting year 2010.  This paper describes the types of GHG emission sources at ethylene plants that are subject to the GHG MRR requirements and the different calculation methodology and monitoring options that are allowed for reporting emissions from such sources.  This paper describes the procedures that are required to quality assure the data used for estimating emissions.  The paper also focuses on options provided within the GHG MRR that can be utilized to reduce the incremental data collection and quality assurance burden for ethylene plants to streamline GHG reporting.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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