(81bj) Learning From Experience - Enhancing Effectiveness of Safety Systems In Process Plant Construction | AIChE

(81bj) Learning From Experience - Enhancing Effectiveness of Safety Systems In Process Plant Construction


Sen, K. N. - Presenter, Larsen & Toubro Limited

Various studies have shown that even in industrialized countries, construction is consistently ranked among the most dangerous occupations. This is more so for process plant construction given the criticality of the work as well as other operational challenges. When such construction activity is undertaken near a running facility, the risks level can increase multi-fold, depending on various parameters.

In this direction a system of monitoring the deviations and implementation of prompt corrective measures have been described. This in-house development of on-line Safety monitoring system, based on observations help in overall improvement in safety management system at process plant construction projects.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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