(91b) How to Protect An Operating Base Load LNG Plant | AIChE

(91b) How to Protect An Operating Base Load LNG Plant


Tsai, T. - Presenter, Bechtel Oil, Gas & Chemicals
Ng, K. - Presenter, Bechtel Oil, Gas & Chemicals
Kuo, J. C. - Presenter, Chevron Energy Technology Company

This paper provides an overpressure protection, flaring and venting philosophy that is designed to protect the operating LNG plant. The objective is to provide systems to prevent overpressure of equipment and to dispose of toxic and flammable substances in a safe and controlled manner for emergency, maintenance and operational purposes.  The aim is to apply a systematic examination of all modes of operations and engineering intentions to the mechanical integrity of the equipment and piping systems based on all credible scenarios.

This philosophy applies to the safety of personnel and all the systems designed for the protection of equipment due to overpressure which includes items such as mechanical protection devices, instrumented protection devices and the systems for the collection, venting and flaring of flammable or toxic gases. All systems and pressure relief devices shall meet the applicable codes, industry standards and practices as well as related owner company design guidelines. Provisions shall be made to contain or safely relieve any excessive pressures in the system.  The equipment and piping systems shall be designed, fabricated, tested, and assembled in accordance with project specifications and shall be subject to the vendors’ quality assurance and control procedures.



This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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