(93a) Life Cycle Analysis of Biogas-to-Hydrogen Pathways | AIChE

(93a) Life Cycle Analysis of Biogas-to-Hydrogen Pathways


Han, J. - Presenter, Argonne National Laboratory
Mintz, M. - Presenter, Argonne National Laboratory
Wang, M. - Presenter, Argonne National Laboratory

Methane from organic waste, compromising roughly half of landfill gas (LFG) and about 60% of the gas produced at wastewater treatment plants, farms and other digesters, is a promising renewable source for hydrogen. Until recently, little biogas was recovered in the U.S. to produce electricity and natural gas and none was converted into hydrogen. By 2030, however, California will require that 30 percent of its hydrogen supply come from renewable sources. To examine the impact of such renewable hydrogen standards we conducted a life cycle analysis of various biogas-to-hydrogen pathways by expanding and employing the GREET (Greenhouse Gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy Use in Transportation) Model, comparing fuel-cycle energy use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from biogas-to-hydrogen pathways to a baseline gasoline pathway as well as other hydrogen pathways. Results show that despite increased total energy use, fossil fuel use and GHG emissions decline for most pathways.