(99a) Sustainability Indicators - a Review of the Literature | AIChE

(99a) Sustainability Indicators - a Review of the Literature


Chum, H. - Presenter, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Warner, E. - Presenter, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Zhang, Y. - Presenter, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Heath, G. - Presenter, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL
Mann, M. - Presenter, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
goss Eng, A. - Presenter, U.S. Department of Energy
Berndes, G. - Presenter, Chalmers University of Technology Sweden

Sustainability Indicators - A Review of the Literature

We will present the results of an analyses of indicators of GHG emissions and other characteristics of several chains of biofuels and bioenergy products.  How multiple indicators are more robust for the selection of feedstocks, conversion process, end products.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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