(124e) Unique Ultrasonic Measurement Solutions | AIChE

(124e) Unique Ultrasonic Measurement Solutions


Vennavelli, A. N. - Presenter, Fractionation Research, Inc.
Cloy, J. - Presenter, GE Sensing

Ultrasound technology is already well accepted for the determination of in-pipe flow rates.  GE Sensing and Fractionation Research Inc are presently performing R&D work to demonstrate other possibilities with this technology.  Efforts are underway to attempt to measure liquid entrainment (non-invasively) in the vapor product nozzle of an industrial size kettle reboiler.  Also, real time density measurements are being used on two processing lines to determine (non-invasively) compositions and composition changes.  These technologies could eventually bring appreciable benefits to operators of chemical plants and refineries.



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