(139d) Beneficial Uses of CO2: Preliminary Framework for Quantifying Impacts | AIChE

(139d) Beneficial Uses of CO2: Preliminary Framework for Quantifying Impacts


Indrakanti, V. P. - Presenter, Leonardo Technologies, Inc.
Dutton, J. - Presenter, Leonardo Technologies, Inc.
Ekmann, J. - Presenter, Leonardo Technologies, Inc.
Huston, J. - Presenter, Leonardo Technologies, Inc.
Munson, C. L. - Presenter, Leonardo Technologies, Inc.
Noceti, R. P. - Presenter, Leonardo Technologies, Inc.
Rudins, G. - Presenter, Leonardo Technologies, Inc.

Beneficial Uses of
CO2: Preliminary Framework for Quantifying Impacts

We present a preliminary
framework for quantifying the impact of existing or potential beneficial
processes using CO2.  A beneficial use is an application which
creates a market for CO2 producers and value to the end user.  The
quantities of CO2 used in beneficial use applications may be small compared
to the potential for CO2 mitigation from geologic carbon capture and
storage (CCS).  Compared to geologic storage, using CO2 for beneficial
purposes may be more valuable (e.g., hydrocarbon resource recovery), or may be
perceived as having a lower risk (e.g., applications where carbon dioxide is
consumed).  Income from high-value products produced from the beneficial use of
a slipstream of captured CO2 could offset a portion of the capital
and operating costs for CCS.  The higher-value potential and lower-risk
perception may also accelerate the development of CO2 pipeline
networks, and the deployment of novel technologies, in turn, enhancing
prospects for geologic CCS.  For instance, CO2 used for enhanced oil
recovery may also be injected into suitable saline formations adjacent to the
oil reservoir, thereby reducing the need for additional infrastructure (wells,
pipelines, equipment) at such locations.  In other cases, if the produced CO2
would be used within an industrial complex, only small modifications to
existing pipeline networks may be needed.  We recognize that not all CO2-use
processes are at similar levels of technology readiness.  Development of tools
to assess impacts is nevertheless helpful because it provides a baseline for
comparison of multiple CO2 use processes, collates current and
potential beneficial impacts, and identifies game-changing scenarios which
might significantly benefit a CO2-use process.

The framework was applied to
three categories of CO2 uses:

CO2-enhanced hydrocarbon recovery: CO2-enhanced
oil recovery (CO2-EOR), enhanced coal bed methane production (ECBM),
enhanced gas recovery (EGR), enhanced gas hydrate recovery (EGHR), hydrocarbon
recovery from oil shale, and the fracturing of reservoirs to increase oil/gas

Non-consumptive or CO2-reuse applications: Processes where CO2
is not consumed directly, but re-used or used only once.  Examples include the
use of CO2 for desalination, and as a solvent or a working fluid.

Consumptive uses: Applications leading to the formation of minerals, or
long-lived compounds from CO2 leading to net-carbon sequestration by
?locking-up' carbon, e.g., production of carbonate minerals from CO2.

The framework for quantifying
impacts is based on four elements:

Quantity of CO2 mitigated in the process or application (annual
(metric tonnes [T] CO2eq/y) or cumulative (T CO2)),

Unit value (beneficial impact) or cost (measured typically as $/T CO2eq),

Energy consumed by the application, or net-energy saved by implementing
this technology  (net-CO2 savings from the technology) and,

Market potential of primary CO2 use and any by-products.

The first metric, quantity of CO2
mitigated, reflects direct-use and indirect-use/emission of CO2 in
the process, subject to the availability of sufficient information.  Processes
using CO2 from flue gas and other dilute sources have less
indirect-CO2 emissions because they avoid the need for
energy-intensive CO2 separation steps.  Another metric of relevance
is the net-CO2 mitigation, closely related to the amount of energy
consumed in the process (metric #3).  Typical examples are the use of
electrical, thermal, or chemical energy in applications which chemically react,
compress, or use CO2.  The net-CO2 used in the process,
or mitigated per unit of process output (product) would therefore be the
gross-amount of CO2 used per unit of product, less the amount of CO2
emitted during the process per unit of product.  Because (fossil) energy use
and CO2 emissions are correlated, emissions from the CO2-use
process can also be deduced by energy consumption, energy required for capture
and/or disposal, energy penalty or energy gain, and the energy use avoided.

costs of CO2 separation, compression, and delivery may be offset by
a variety of methods under some carbon management regimes, but in the absence
of a specific regime, they must be accounted for to estimate overall economic
impacts of beneficial use applications or processes.  Economic impacts
are best estimated with detailed lifecycle cost-benefit analyses, which require
high-levels of detail about individual processes..  Instead, in this framework,
a measure of value, ?nominal net-positive benefit?, is defined as the value
realized from the use of CO2 less the costs of raw materials
involved in the CO2-use process.  This approach does not account
directly for the capital and processing costs of CO2 utilization,
which are process-specific and highly uncertain in some cases.  The costs of CO2
capture and compression are aggregated as the cost of high-pressure, pure CO2
(assumed to be 40 $/T).  Relative comparisons of net benefits from various
beneficial uses are more relevant than the absolute values themselves. 
Positive benefits are indicated by negative costs, and vice versa.

Table 1 - Metric Summary



CO2 Mitigation

(1) Amount of CO2 reduced (total : direct + indirect)

(1.1) Amount of captured CO2 utilized (direct reduction)

(1.2) Amount of CO2 consumed

(1.3) Is capture an intrinsic part of the process?




(2) Cost of CO2 reduction/ tonne (total system basis)

(2.1) Cost of CO2 capture and processing

(2.2) Value of by-products



Energy Consumption

(3) Energy penalty/ gain for total system

(3.1) Energy required for capture and disposal

(3.2) Energy penalty/ gain for byproduct process

(3.3) Energy use avoided




(4) Market size (potential tonnage removed from atmosphere)

(4.1) CO2 subjected to capture and storage

(4.2) CO2 sold to commercial markets for consumption or resource recovery

(4.3) Market size of by-products




(Nominal Benefit (Negative cost)) x Market size

The fourth metric in the
framework is the market potential of CO2-use applications.  The
market size sets an upper limit to the amount of CO2 that could be
potentially used.  For example, the current or projected levels of demand will
limit the amounts of CO2 that could be potentially converted to
fuels, plastics, and carbonates.  In certain cases, the market size of
by-products may be larger than that of the primary-use application itself.

Examples of application of these
metrics to hydrocarbon recovery applications, consumptive uses and
non-consumptive uses of CO2 will be discussed in the presentation.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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