(153e) Emissivity of Cracking Furnace Coils, Novel Temperature Measurement Solutions for Cracking Furnaces | AIChE

(153e) Emissivity of Cracking Furnace Coils, Novel Temperature Measurement Solutions for Cracking Furnaces


Brown, B. - Presenter, BASF Corporation
Sankey, D. - Presenter, BASF Corporation
DeRouen, K. D. - Presenter, BASF Corporation


Accurate measurements of skin temperature on cracking
furnace coils have become necessary for improved process control.  Infrared devices have proven inaccurate for
measuring skin temperatures on furnace coils. 
The inaccuracy has been driven in large part by an uncharacterized and
misunderstood emissivity value.  BASF
Temperature Sensing, in partnership with BASF FINA Petrochemicals LP, has
researched the emissivity of typical furnace coils.  The surfaces of sample coils were treated to
simulate three stages of coil aging.  The
study was performed using three separate wavelengths.

In addition to the test results, a brief description of
emissivity, its dependence on wavelength, and its impact on infrared
temperature measurements will be presented. 
Best practices for measuring skin temperatures of furnace coils will
also be discussed. 


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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