(15b) Look Ma No Faceplates: Benefits of In Situ Modification of Set Point and Output | AIChE

(15b) Look Ma No Faceplates: Benefits of In Situ Modification of Set Point and Output


Beebe, D. - Presenter, ProSys, Inc.

This presentation illustrates the need and solution for operators viewing and making changes to set points and outputs in context.  It shows the penalty and risks of operators shifting focus to faceplates and performing other window management tasks when trying to operate an industrial process.  In-situ modification improves the speed of operator response, reduces entry errors and operator loading.  For the industrial process, this means less spurious trips due to operator entry and more reliable and efficient plant operation.  The presentation will cover how to incorporate items normally displayed in the faceplate directly into the operator display.  The illustrated examples will be running ProSys’ Interface Dynamics display library, but concepts in presentation are applicable to any industrial HMI and can be achieved in almost any control system.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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