(27e) Pervaporative Separation of Water-Alcohol Mixtures Using Ghanaian Zeolite-Clay Filled PVA Composite Membranes | AIChE

(27e) Pervaporative Separation of Water-Alcohol Mixtures Using Ghanaian Zeolite-Clay Filled PVA Composite Membranes


Ankudey, E. G. - Presenter, The University of Iowa
Zainudeen, M. N. - Presenter, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology

A pervaporative separation of ethanol-water mixtures was successfully performed using a Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) based composite membrane filled with zeolites made from local clays  from Ghana. The substrate for the ultra-thin PVA composite membrane was made of polysulphone. The pervaporation cell was fabricated locally from scrap aluminium and feed concentrations of ethanol-water mixtures ranging from 60 to 90 v% were separated.

The clay samples used in the development of the membranes were obtained from three different locations of Abonku, Anfoega and Teleku-Bukoazu. The effective surface area of the membranes for separation was 0.007854 m2. All separations were performed at room temperature and the feed was at atmospheric pressure.

For all the feed concentrations, the composite membrane with Teleku-Bukoazu zeolite-clay filler produced the best performance after ten hours. For a feed concentration of 87.5 wt %, the mixture was enriched to concentrations more than 95 wt% and a separation factor of 85.1 g/m2-h was obtained.
