(30d) Comparison of Rate-based Results Vs Nutter Ring FRI Test Results using ChemSep | AIChE

(30d) Comparison of Rate-based Results Vs Nutter Ring FRI Test Results using ChemSep


Praderio, A. J. - Presenter, ConocoPhillips
Taylor, R. - Presenter, Clarkson University

ChemSep is a stand-alone single column simulator for distillation, absorption, and extraction operations. It combines the classic equilibrium stage column model with a nonequilibrium (rate-based) column model in a single program. In this work ChemSep was used to simulate tests carried out by FRI on Nutter Rings #2 (selected from FRI Topical Report # 99) in order to compare the results from several rate base simulations against FRI reported field results. Simulated results matched field results but, as with any simulation software, different results can be obtained when inappropriate options are selected for the specific case under study. The effect of the choice of the binary interaction parameters for the selected equation of state, the choice of the mass transfer models, and methods used for estimation of physical properties of the mixtures are demonstrated in the presentation.