(48b) Process Plant Safety: An Attorney's Perspective on Key Legal and Regulatory Issues | AIChE

(48b) Process Plant Safety: An Attorney's Perspective on Key Legal and Regulatory Issues


Bergeson, L. L. - Presenter, Bergeson & Campbell, P.C.

That process plant safety is critically important to the sustainable growth of any manufacturing or other impacted company is indisputable.  High profile process plant safety failures such as Deepwater Horizon, Bhopal, and BP Texas City are cautionary tales illustrating the tragic consequences that process safety failures can occasion upon the companies that strive mightily to avoid them.  Failures occur, however, despite best efforts and good faith commitments to compliance and plant safety.  This presentation will explore key regulatory and legal issues related to renewed calls for stronger process plant safety regulations and emerging legal issues that arise in connection with process plant safety inspections and enforcement.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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