(50d) On-Line Energy Management System - Round 2 | AIChE

(50d) On-Line Energy Management System - Round 2


Finnegan, B. - Presenter, Lyondell Chemical Company
Chenevert, D. - Presenter, Equistar Chemicals, LP
Michnovicz, M. - Presenter, Lyondell Chemical Company

In 2008-9 Equistar implemented an on-line, open-loop utility optimizer at one of our world scale olefin sites.  We call this our energy management system.

While our key project goals were met, we did not realize the full potential of the system.  After the system was brought on line, we experienced deficiencies in staffing for the system, in the reliability of the models, and in our processes for maintaining and using the system. We also identified additional opportunities by analyzing the optimization actions.  We addressed the deficiencies and realized the additional opportunities in a second round of engineering and commissioning.  . 

This presentation discusses the identification and resolution of deficiencies we encountered as well as the additional opportunities we identified , including:

  • Providing adequate staffing for design, startup, and long-term maintenance
  • Assigning credible limits within the models
  • Assigning actionable recommendations to the appropriate personnel
  • Ensuring reliable performance through the use of knowledgeable experts.
  • Providing APC to close the loop on rapidly-changing variables

We will also discuss how these changes are being incorporated into our third energy management system at another olefins site.



This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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