(60e) Platformer Debutanizer Revamp & Optimization | AIChE

(60e) Platformer Debutanizer Revamp & Optimization



As part of Saudi Aramco Yanbu Refinery Excellence Program, We Identified the platforming high RVP issue as one of the most critical problem than needed to be resolved with high priority. The high reformate RVP causes problems with gasoline blending leading to high RVP in summer months, resulting in reduced iC5/isomerate blending and consequently lower gasoline production and RON giveaway.


Yanbu Refinery jointly with Process & Control Systems Department (P&CSD) conducted a study detailing the different options available for upgrading the existing Platforming Debutanizer Column in order to reduce reformate RVP from the current levels of 4.5 psia to the original design intent of 3.8 pisa at full column capacity. Increasing the gasoline pool by 0.5 MBD would result in an additional revenue of 9.6 MM$/year.

Revamp & Optimization

The revamp of the debutanizer column was done on January 2011 turnaround and followed up with several optimization techniques to bring down the RVP lower than 3.8 psia resulting in even high revenue. The presentation will be highlighting the study, the study results, revamp implementation and optimization techniques that resulted in the monetary value realized.



This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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