(70a) Go out and lead on Process Safety Management | AIChE

(70a) Go out and lead on Process Safety Management


This paper will share the UK’s experience of risk control for major hazards and will emphasise the key role corporate governance and leadership plays in the management of major hazard risks. The paper will outline the joint work undertaken between industry and the Health and Safety Executive in promoting and developing the concepts of and the practical application of process safety management and leadership for senior executives within major hazard industries. An accredited training course in process safety leadership and management will shortly be launched which provides for the first time competence-based training for senior executives in major hazard industries. The paper will describe a case study undertaken with Scottish Power/Iberdrola  that shows how this international energy company adopted process safety management systems to manage its critical assets, significantly reduced maintenance costs and improved reliability and how PSM leadership features within the organisation. 


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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