(100b) Preventing Process Safety Problems of Tomorrow, Today! | AIChE

(100b) Preventing Process Safety Problems of Tomorrow, Today!


The most cost effective time for implementing process safety design elements is during the planning stages of the project management process. 

Gap: Facilities are designed with less than adequate process safety considerations and the gap is discovered after the facilities are constructed.

Addressing the Gap: Implementing a proper risk assessment strategy ranging from assisting with determining a preferred alternative to the delivery of a “ready for construction” design that has demonstrated that the risks have been managed requires planning, the execution of that plan and the results from the plan deliverables incorporated into the design all along the way

Results / Recommendation: Review some common strategies currently deployed and discuss recommendations for improving the approach.  Proper risk assessment planning for project execution has broad applicability to an enterprise.  Improving this planning step will truly prevent the process safety problems of tomorrow, today…


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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