(116b) Relative Benefits Between Various Drivers for the Main Refrigeration Compressors for LNG Application | AIChE

(116b) Relative Benefits Between Various Drivers for the Main Refrigeration Compressors for LNG Application


Bardon, P. - Presenter, Dresser-Rand

The main refrigeration compressors in an LNG plant are consuming a lot of energy. The selection of the driver is a key decision and influences the future production pattern. Depending upon the driver selection the nominal plant size capacity can be affected. It is proposed to review the relative benefits of the various available drivers for the main refrigeration units: Electrical motors, Aero derivative gas turbines, industrial gas turbines and steam turbines. Two cases study will be reviewed in details: Steam turbine versus aero gas turbine for a 4 MTPA plant capacity and industrial gas turbine versus aero gas turbine for a 5 MTPA plant capacity.


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