(132a) Improved Boiler System Operation with Real-time Chemical Control | AIChE

(132a) Improved Boiler System Operation with Real-time Chemical Control


The steam boiler system is a critical component of most manufacturing processes.  Steam production reliability is often a key component in assuring product quality and overall production efficiency.  Hourly steam load demands and varying system stresses make responsive water treatment of the boiler system difficult.  A challenging production environment is made even more so by the volatile economic forces in today’s world.

New technologies have been developed that provide real time monitor & control capabilities to help steam operations staff achieve more consistent, proactive boiler feedwater treatment by detecting system variability, determining the correct chemical or operational action, and delivering measurable environmental return on investment (eROI).  These technologies are capable of communicating via web or DCS for monitoring and alarming existing conditions.

The new technologies will be described and several case histories presented.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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