(136c) Furnace Burner Management Practices within Nova Canada | AIChE

(136c) Furnace Burner Management Practices within Nova Canada


Furnace Burner Management Practices within Nova Canada

The focus of this paper will be on the cracking heaters at the NOVA Chemicals Corunna site, located near Sarnia, Ontario, where a major site revamp drove the replacement of the cracking heater burners and as a result, required the heater BMS to be upgraded to current standards. Many of the aspects of the BMS system will be discussed, including flame scanners, valve proving systems and partial and full fuel system trips.

The burner management system (BMS) is a critical part of the safe operation of cracking heaters. Changes in codes have driven the installation of more safeguards and changes in technology have allowed for improved system operation.

This paper will review the stated requirements within the codes and the direction from the local regulating body. It will also discuss how the intent of the code is met in the design of the BMS system for a cracking heater. This paper will review the application of current technology and methodology to ensure that a safe and reliable system is being installed.



This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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