(43aa) Felt Leadership: An Essential Ingredient in Successful PSM Implementations | AIChE

(43aa) Felt Leadership: An Essential Ingredient in Successful PSM Implementations


Rains, B. D. - Presenter, DuPont Sustainable Solutions

“Felt Leadership” is a term that is frequently mentioned at PSM conferences and during informal conversations as a quality that must be demonstrated by management if PSM implementation is going to be successful.  Interestingly, these two words were first introduced by the DuPont Company over 20 years ago in a different context that was not directly related to safety.  Felt Leadership was one of the six attributes of a “High Performing Work System.”   As one of these 6 attributes, it was deemed essential to achieve outstanding operations and business results through people.  This presentation will not only describe “felt leadership” in meaningful, practical terms, but will also deliver insights as to why it is both appropriate and necessary for both effective PSM implementation and high performing work organizations.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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