(48b) Process Safety - A Value Not Just a Priority | AIChE

(48b) Process Safety - A Value Not Just a Priority


Adams, P. - Presenter, Reliance Industries Limited, Dahej Manufacturing Division
Kamaliya, M., Reliance Industries Limited, Dahej Manufacturing Division

Process Safety in any Organisation will only be efficient when its Safety culture allows. If Process Safety Management (PSM) efforts are subjected to differing priorities, such as production needs or economics, effective Process Safety cannot be achieved. On the contrary PSM is bound to be fruitful if any Organisation is based on a commitment to core values on Safety, Health, and Environmental issues, and the same is evidenced by organizational policies, goals, and day-to-day decision-making support establishing safety systems where safety priorities are recognized, not as conflicting with other priorities, but rather as inherently necessary for achieving Excellence in Safety. Thus, its essential that Process Safety is a Value not just a Priority.

 Achieving a competitive edge also requires a system that drives continuous improvement and protects people, the environment and your business. We in Reliance believe that sustainable safety performance requires a robust PSM System in addition to Work Place Safety Management System.

In this presentation we shall be sharing the efforts taken in order to implement an efficient Process Safety Management System in five important stages:

Stage 1—Inculcating Process Safety in the Safety Culture

Stage 2—Demonstrating Management Leadership and Commitment towards PSM

Stage 3—Assessing and Improving Process Safety Management of Existing Facilities

Stage 4—Implementing Process Safety Management at Design Stage for New Facilities

Stage 5—Practicing Process Safety as a Value through Operational Discipline


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