(4d) Do High Activity Coefficients in Vapor Liquid Systems Mean Higher Interfacial Concentrations? | AIChE

(4d) Do High Activity Coefficients in Vapor Liquid Systems Mean Higher Interfacial Concentrations?


Bravo, J. - Presenter, Shell Global Solutions (US) Inc.

There is some experimental evidence that the interfacial concentrations of compounds with high activity coefficients are different at the interface than they are in the bulk given enough time to settle out.  Data for alcohol/water separations from a stagnant film ten to either contradict the principle of VLE or imply that high interfacial concentrations develop at equilibrium that differ from the average or bulk.  The paper will examine these data and pose the question, is turbulence actually deleterious in the efficiency of separation of volatile non ideal compounds?



This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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