(51a) Reliability and Maintenance Best Practices | AIChE

(51a) Reliability and Maintenance Best Practices


Poling, A. - Presenter, Solomon Associates

Best performing companies are exploiting the benefits derived from reliability and maintenance best practices.  But what reliability and maintenance practices impact overall performance?  Through the statistical analysis of over thirty years of benchmarking data, Solomon has confirmed the correlation of reliability and maintenance practices to overall performance.  Reliability and maintenance best practices are not as revolutionary as you might think.  Some practices touted as best are not being employed by best performing companies.  To compete effectively in a global marketplace, you must exploit reliability and maintenance best practices.

This paper identifies confirmed practices of best performing companies using the results of Solomon’s International Study of Plant Reliability and Maintenance Effectiveness (RAM Study).



This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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