(51b) Defining and Creating Best Practices | AIChE

(51b) Defining and Creating Best Practices


The continuous drive for excellence in our industry reaches all segments and disciplines of our organizations. The goal to improve the safety of our plants and personnel, to optimize our processes, and improve the profitability of our business leads the industry to define, create and implement “Best Practices” or "Most Effective Technology" (MET) in the course of performing daily tasks, be it for operations, repair maintenance, preventive and predictive maintenance or major projects.  These Best Practices and MET contain recommendations and/or requirements that define why and how tasks are best performed to meet the goals of our organization and more specifically those in the segments and disciplines to which we are assigned.

 This paper discusses the following steps as it summarizes the approach in the Reliability and Maintenance area at one company:

  • Defining the term “Best Practice”
  • Defining the need for a Best Practice
  • Process of selecting the “Best Practice”
  • Implementing Best Practices
  • Leveraging the Best Practice across the company
  • Follow-up



This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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