(96a) Operational Discipline: Panacea for Performance? | AIChE

(96a) Operational Discipline: Panacea for Performance?


Rains, B. D. - Presenter, DuPont Sustainable Solutions

Over the last few years, many companies have had an increased focus on implementing or upgrading programs to improve operational discipline (OD) in pursuit of better PSM performance, leading to reduced process-related injury and incident rates.  OD describes human behavior in following required systems, procedures, and practices to achieve reliable, high quality, and safe operations.  DuPont defines OD as a deeply rooted dedication and commitment by each member of the organization to carry out each task, the right way, each time.  But is a focus on OD enough?  This paper will discuss the elements and precursors of a strong OD program, how leadership can help ensure successful improvement programs, and, ultimately, how a focus on OD and PSM performance must be integrated with operations and business processes throughout the life cycle of the facility.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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