(10a) Improving Recognition of Change | AIChE

(10a) Improving Recognition of Change


Wong, D., Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Suyama, M., Valero Energy Corporation

Even if a management of change (MOC) system is administered perfectly, it will still fail if changes are not recognized and entered into the system.  Thus an essential element of a successful MOC system is teaching front-line workers to recognize changes in the course of their everyday duties.  Such changes include undocumented improvements (changes) in procedures, improvised solutions (changes) that work around equipment limitations, and external circumstances (changes) that affect day-to-day operations.  This paper discusses ways to improve the recognition of process hazards as a practical way to improve the identification and analysis of changes.  Equipping the workers with basic process safety information and examples drawn from previous incidents dramatically improves their ability to recognize changes in the workplace and helps ensure that those risks are properly managed.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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