(111a) Compliance: The Necessary Evil | AIChE

(111a) Compliance: The Necessary Evil

Compliance:  The Necessary Evil

Compliance is not optional.  Where process safety regulations are in place and enforced, failure to comply puts one’s facility and one’s company reputation at risk.  It could even land company leaders in jail.  Even though one could debate the actual role and need for regulations, none of that debate will make the regulations go away.  The real question is does compliance help a company (or facility) achieve improved process safety performance?  Can compliance efforts interfere in the pursuit of Zero Process Safety Incidents by contributing to a complacent PSM culture?  This presentation will detail DuPont’s historical experience managing the sometimes seemingly competing goals of regulatory compliance and PSM Excellence and make recommendations on how to fight against the Compliance Complacency Syndrome.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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