(138b) Grass-Roots Design of an Ethylene Oxide Manufacturing Facility | AIChE

(138b) Grass-Roots Design of an Ethylene Oxide Manufacturing Facility


Wallace, D. - Presenter, Tulane University
Blocker, K. - Presenter, Tulane University

Tulane University senior chemical engineers were asked to design a grass-roots facility for the manufacture of ethylene oxide in the Gulf Coast region. Through the application of chemical engineering principles and the use of software simulation tools (Aspen HYSYS), a recommended design was developed after examining multiple feed, reactor, and separation options. Process economics were analyzed using Aspen Process Economic Analyzer and recommendations for further development were made. The results of this design, including a discussion of primary process safety hazards and mitigations, will be presented.



This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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