(147h) To Shale or Not to Shale – Refinery Configuration Analysis at the 10000 FT Level While Getting a 100 Ft Level Value Estimate | AIChE

(147h) To Shale or Not to Shale – Refinery Configuration Analysis at the 10000 FT Level While Getting a 100 Ft Level Value Estimate

Subject Summary: The spate of closing refineries and the increasing supply of light, clean transport fuel- suitable hydrocarbons from new drilling and fracking regions (20+ in the US alone) has created the need to quickly and accurately determine what to do with existing and potential refinery operations.  How these new stocks are integrated into existing but aging capital plants has become a serious financial concern worldwide. This paper will discuss the traditional methods of approaching the configuration problem and then show some of the latest tools and methodologies that can considerably speed up the decision process from concept to Front End Engineering Design.  Emphasis will be placed on the following:

  1. Choices of crudes and other feed stocks
  2. If Tight Oil is used, should it replace or augment existing heavier feeds
  3. What determines the selection of  and design capacity of such conversion units such as HTU, HCU,  FCC and DCU, CRU, ISOM and DHT.
  4. How these units’ products may be best integrated for maximum profit.
  5. What other units may be useful or detrimental to the profit goals
  6. What effect licensor data will have on the final design
  7. How the client culture determines the ultimate strategy of operations to design to


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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