(77a) PHA Analysis of Loss of Containment Events Involving Fixed Assets | AIChE

(77a) PHA Analysis of Loss of Containment Events Involving Fixed Assets

PHA Analysis of Loss of Containment Events Involving Fixed Assets

Russ Davis, CSP

National AIMS MI COE Manager

Mistras Group

In many cases the PHA analysis of fixed equipment risk of failure has only focused on the question “Is it included in the mechanical integrity program?”.  Very little if any analysis was performed by the PHA team to determine how effective the MI program was in preventing failures associated with the fixed equipment.  Little if any analysis was performed by the PHA team to identify those assets that have a high risk of releasing a toxic, or volatile vapor cloud that can result in fires and explosions. 

This paper will discuss the methodologies for evaluation fixed equipment in highly hazardous chemical service.  The effectiveness of the MI program and techniques for bringing this data into the PHA will be discussed.  This paper will further examine current recognized and generally accepted good engineering practices (RAGAGEP) available to assist a PHA team where questions may occur.  Methodology for evaluating the consequences of failure will be examined and discussed with a focus on the leak before rupture analysis and how to evaluate this information in the PHA setting. 

Loss of containment from fixed assets has contributed to major refinery and chemical plant events in the recent years.  This paper would discuss the possible failures within the PHA analysis that may have contributed to the events.  All fixed equipment will eventually fail at some point.  Proper analysis of the risk associated with this equipment is critical to safe, reliable operations.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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