Become a Sponsor of the 2015 AIChE Spring Meeting & 11th GCPS | AIChE

Become a Sponsor of the 2015 AIChE Spring Meeting & 11th GCPS

Sponsoring the 2015 AIChE Spring Meeting is an ideal way for you to put your organization in front of a select, elite audience, to powerfully communicate your company’s message before, during, and after the event.

How Do Sponsors Benefit?

  • You put your organization in front of a select, elite audience, to powerfully communicate your company's message
  • You generate new contacts, and renewed interest for your products
  • You demonstrate your company's support for technical excellence as a supplier and employer before this key constituency
  • Sponsors can choose from many levels of sponsorship options

Meeting Sponsorship Information

Contact Your Sales Representative

Check out the new GCPS-specific sponsorships for 2014!

Exclusive/Specialty Sponsorships

Meeting Opening Reception Sponsor

$25,000 (1 available) Core Benefits, plus:

Banner above reception entrance recognizing sponsor • Sponsor logo on beverage/snack napkins • Exclusive sponsor logo slide during reception • Full page (Black and White) ad in onsite conference program book • Four (4) complimentary full meeting registrations • Exhibit space during conference — 6’ draped tabletop • Mailing list of conference attendees • Recognition in conference promotional emails


Conference Lunches

$10,000 each (5 available - 2 GCPS, 2 Spring Meeting, and 1 Joint Spring & GCPS) Core Benefits, plus: 

Introduction by conference Chair during lunch • Opportunity to present short non-commercial video (1 to 2 minutes) • Sponsor logo on table signs throughout lunch • One (1) complimentary full meeting registration • Mailing list of conference attendees • Recognition in conference promotional emails

Coffee Breaks

$5,000 each (5 available) Core Benefits, plus:

Selection of theme for Coffee Break (i.e. HAZOP/LOPA or Shale Gas coffee break) • Signage in coffee break area throughout the exhibit; on service tables during sponsored break • Mailing list of conference attendees


Premium Ad Space in Conference Program Book

$7,500 (2 Available) Core Benefits, plus: 

• Sponsor company’s full page ad (4 color) in interior cover of conference program book

Meeting Lanyards Sponsor

$12,000 Core Benefits, plus: 

Sponsor logo on lanyards distributed to all attendees of the Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety • Mailing list of conference attendees • Recognition in promotional emails

Keynote Address & Plenary Session Sponsorships

Non-exclusive tiered levels of $10,000; $5,000; $2,500.

Meeting keynote addresses and plenaries set the tone for the meeting objectives.  Examples of possible sponsorships include: Spring Meeting Keynote Address; Annual Meeting Institute Lecture; Professional Progress Award Lecture and Corporate Innovation Award Lecture. 

Exclusive sponsorships, such as coffee breaks prior to the presentation or a reception after the presentation, are also available.

Plasma Screens

$10,000 Core Benefits, plus: 

Sponsor slide in rotation on plasma screen • One (1) complimentary full meeting registration • Mailing list of conference attendees • Recognition in promotional emails

Wireless Hotspot


Sponsor slide on log-on page and wireless area signage • One (1) complimentary full meeting registration • Mailing list of conference attendees • Recognition in promotional emails

See details of the above sponsorships plus padfolios, tote bags, electronic-poster kiosks, and e-mail sponsorships by downloading the sponsorship prospectus.

General Sponsorships

Titanium - $25,000

Core Benefits, plus:

  • Full page ad (Black and White) in onsite conference program book
  • Six (6) complimentary full meeting registrations
  • Full-page ad in Spring Meeting preview section of AIChE’s flagship magazine, Chemical Engineering Progress
  • Exhibit space during conference
  • Mailing list of conference attendees
  • Recognition in conference promotional emails

Platinum - $18,000

Core Benefits, plus:

  • Full page ad (Black and White) in onsite conference program book
  • Four (4) complimentary full meeting registrations
  • Exhibit space during conference
  • Mailing list of conference attendees
  • Recognition in conference promotional emails

Gold - $12,000

Core Benefits, plus:

  • Half page ad (Black and White) in onsite conference program book
  • Two (2) complimentary full meeting registrations
  • Exhibit space during conference
  • Mailing list of conference attendees
  • Recognition in conference promotional emails

Silver - $6,000

Core Benefits, plus:

  • One (1) complimentary full meeting registration
  • Mailing list of conference attendees

Bronze - $3,000

Core Benefits, plus:

  • Recognition on AIChE Website
  • Recognition on signage at the conference
  • Recognition in onsite conference program book listing
  • Recognition on slide show at Opening Reception

Please contact your sales representative for additional plenary session and special event sponsorship opportunities. For questions or additional information, please email