(115b) Research of Process Safety Management Platform Architecture Based on Internet of Things | AIChE

(115b) Research of Process Safety Management Platform Architecture Based on Internet of Things


Yang, G. - Presenter, China Academy of Safety science and technology

With the rapid development of chemical technology in China, the number and size of petrochemical corporations increasing quickly, and increasing accidents so strengthening process safety management(PSM) become a requirement for safety development of chemical industry. To make the PSM  Procedural and comprehensive , cope with the lack of platform for PSM information integration and decision, a solution which applies the internet of things into PSM platform is presented. Referring to the structure of the internet of things, the  multi-layer model is constructed including perception layer, network layer, base layer and application service layer. According to the 12 tasks and elements of the domestic chemical PSM management requirements, the software architecture of information platform is constructed which includes the functions and features of main modules. This platform architecture provides approach to improve informatization level  and sophisticated supervision level of chemical PSM in china.


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