(127c) Leveraging Big Data with Self-Service Analytics / Tableau Software | AIChE

(127c) Leveraging Big Data with Self-Service Analytics / Tableau Software

You are an innovator. You work hard and want your organization to succeed but are short on time. For you and your organization, data-driven decision-making is more than just a buzzword — BIG data is increasingly critical to accomplishing your most important objectives and staying ahead of the competition. You understand the details and nuances of your marketplace but don’t necessarily have the word "analyst" in your title. You use software like Microsoft Excel or business intelligence (BI) tools and have seen how much time it takes to pull in data from different sources, find insights, and share reports or dashboards. You believe there must a better way. This presentation is for you. It outlines a new approach to help you, your team and your organization see and understand BIG data faster and more easily.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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