(58a) Changes Between API STD 521 6th Ed and 5th Ed Cataloged | AIChE

(58a) Changes Between API STD 521 6th Ed and 5th Ed Cataloged


Burgess, J., Smith & Burgess

API STD 521, Pressure-relieving and Depressuring Systems, is perhaps the most thorough published guidelines on how to size relief devices and flare systems.  This paper reviews the differences between the 6th Edition of API STD 521 (Published in 2014) and the 5th edition (Published in 2007).  The authors will review changes and highlight several new requirements that are deemed critical to relief systems design.  The paper is based on a comprehensive review of the two documents and is a valuable resource for any engineer or process designer who needs to be knowledgeable of the latest relief systems recommendations.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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