(71az) The Studies of Flame Propagation Simulation in the Municipal Pipeline | AIChE

(71az) The Studies of Flame Propagation Simulation in the Municipal Pipeline


Han, F. - Presenter, China University of Petroleum

The flame is dangerous, and flame propagation can create more damage. However, the generation and propagation of the flame is conditional, and it's easier to realize in a closed or half-closed space such as pipeline. That '11.22' Huandao pipeline explosion accident showed damage of the flame in a pipeline. By studying the flame of methane-air premixed in underground drains, using a numerical simulation method, and then analyzing that results, this article draw the flame propagation state of methane-air premixed in underground drains in different conditions and the impact on external space.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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