(74d) Thermodynamic Model for Quaternary Aqueous Ca2+, Na+, Cl-, SO42- System
AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety
2015 AIChE Spring Meeting and 11th Global Congress on Process Safety
Spring Meeting Poster Session and Networking Reception
Poster Session - Physical Properties and Complex Fluids
Monday, April 27, 2015 - 5:00pm to 7:00pm
Symmetric Electrolyte Non-Random Two Liquid model (eNRTL) is selected as the thermodynamic framework to model the quaternary aqueous Ca2+, Na+, Cl-, SO42- electrolyte system. This is a part of a large effort to develop a comprehensive thermodynamic model for high salinity produced water in oil and gas production. Each binary system (electrolyte-water or electrolyte-electrolyte) needs three pairs of binary parameters which are directly correlated with excess Gibbs energy, excess enthalpy and excess heat capacity of the system concerned. These binary parameters are regressed with thermodynamic and phase equilibrium data including salt solubility data available in literature. Binary parameters are obtained for CaCl2-water, CaSO4-water, CaCl2-CaSO4, CaCl2-NaCl, and CaSO4- Na2SO4 binary systems. These binary parameters are integrated with the rest of the parameters readily available in literature. The model shows excellent agreement with literature data with temperature from 0°C - 200°C and electrolyte concentration up to saturation. This model is being extended to cover K+, Mg2+, Ba2+, Sr2+ and HCO3-.
This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.
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