WIC AIChE Events
9:30 am - 10:15 am | Women's Workplace Retention & Reentry Keynote |
10:15 am - 11:00 am | Women's Workplace Retention & Reentry Panel Discussion |
11:00 am - 11:45 am | Women's Workplace Retention & Reentry Workshop |
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm | WIC Luncheon (Ticketed Event) |
1:30 pm - 3:30 pm | 1-on-1 Career Discussions With Reentry Candidates |
The AIChE Women’s Initiatives Committee will be offering a new workshop dedicated to retention and reentry of women to the engineering profession at the 2016 Spring AIChE Conference. The 3 hour workshop will focus on reentry to industry to provide key strategies for getting back into the workforce after taking time off. The event will provide the attendees with the following:
- · Career strategies for reentry into industry for participants who have been away from the workplace or are considering taking time off.
- · Opportunities to network with other participants who have experienced reentry or are in the process of reentering the workforce to provide mentoring and guidance for successful practices.
- · Career counseling specifically directed towards reentering the workforce and how to handle resumes, interviews, etc. for those who have been out of the workforce for a period of time.
WIC will also be offering a limited number of travel awards for reentry attendees to provide financial support to attend the conference event in person (http://www.aiche.org/community/awards/womens-initiatives-committees-wic-... )
For more information, email Megan Donaldson (medonaldson@dow.com)
Keynote Address: 12 Steps for a Successful Career Transition
Beth Bryce, Career Services Director, Adult Degree & DeVos Graduate School of Management, Northwood University
Career Transitions
Those in career transition may feel overwhelmed, fearful or lack purpose and are searching for motivating strategies to overcome self-limiting beliefs and formulate a plan to find their ideal career.
We will explore how to position seasoned professionals for success by providing 12 career transition strategies that will deliver the changes they are seeking in their career.
These holistic strategies will clarify how to get “unstuck”, prepare for a successful career campaign, increase confidence, be empowered to take action, commit to goals, minimize fears and take action regardless, and ultimately create a realistic action plan to help gain the confidence, courage, and clarity necessary to make the career changes they seek.
Benefits include:
- Clarify “how” to survive a job transition
- Be prepared for a successful career campaign
- Develop richer relationships and increased confidence
- Be empowered to take action
- Be strongly committed to your goals
- Minimize fears and take action regardless
- Create a 12-step action plan
W2R2 Panelists Include:
- Beth Bryce, Career Services Director, Adult Degree & DeVos Graduate School of Management, Northwood University
- Julie Mialaret, General Manager Safety - Upstream Americas, Shell
- Cynthia DeBisschop, Adjunct Faculty, Howard University
- Teresa Newman, Principal Engineer, Lubrizol
Women's Initiative Committee Luncheon
The Women’s Initiatives Committee (WIC) luncheon will be held at Hearsay on the Green and feature keynote speaker Laura E. Leonard.
Laura E. Leonard, Sr. Product Line Manager, Gasoline Technologies, Process Technology & Equipment, UOP, A Honeywell Company
This luncheon is priced at $20 and advanced registration is required.
If you haven't yet registered for the meeting, you can add this ticketed event when you register. If you have already registered for the meeting, please call Customer Service at 800-242-4363 or 203-702-7660 (outside of US) to add this event referencing item # 102.
1-on-1 Career Discussions
This session will be a spin-off from the WIC Women's Workplace Retention & Reentry (W2R2) and will present the opportunity for reentry candidates to have one on one sessions for more intimate discussion of career planning and management.