(170b) Study on Dynamic Risk and Flexible Protective Layer Theory of Process Safety | AIChE

(170b) Study on Dynamic Risk and Flexible Protective Layer Theory of Process Safety


Zhao, Y. - Presenter, Sinopec Safety Engineering Institute
Mu, S., Sinopec Safety Engineering Institute
Ding, X., Sinopec Safety Engineering Institute
An, C., Qingdao Hengxing University of Science and Technology
Jiang, X., Sinopec Safety Engineering Institute
The research re-defined the process safety risk from risk’s essential characteristics and set the scope of new definition.Positive and Negative Effects and timeliness of risk were  introduced for the description more reasonable than before.  The definitions laid basis during the essential characteristics of dynamic risk description. Risk and protective layer characterization of dynamic changes and related dynamic risk model gives a new definition to the interpretation of the dynamic nature of the safety risk of property, and added to the safety management related human factor, rich past of static risk management and prevention and control methods. Meanwhile, since the protective layer itself changing nature of risks in addition to its own internal dynamic changes caused by the protective layer is also closely related to the changes, which form the meaning of comprehensive dynamic safety risks. Through the study of changes in the law and the interaction between the respective mechanisms, new safety risks characterization methods can be formed. Based on the risk and protective layer characteristics of analysis and mathematical characterization of the essential characteristics of risk research, optimization and upgrading of the current risk management and control measures, and supplement the current countermeasures defect, forming a comprehensive response.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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