(179b) Best-in-Class MOC Implementation – Case Studies | AIChE

(179b) Best-in-Class MOC Implementation – Case Studies

So your facility has an MOC procedure, right? You hear complaints about the MOC process being burdensome, and you worry that people aren't doing MOCs when they ought to. What do companies do that are successful at MOC?

Successful MOC practitioners have several key characteristics. First, they treat Management of Change just like a project--not as a form that needs to be filled in. The project orientation engenders the formality and respect that MOCs deserve. Second, successful companies think broadly in terms of the business benefits that the MOC procedure/process can bring them. While MOC is required for PSM‑covered processes, the methodology can also be leveraged for replacements-in-kind, as well as smaller capital projects. And finally, successful MOC practitioners simply "get on with it". They realize that, after 24 years since the PSM regulations were promulgated, most companies are into a “sustaining” mode, complacency may have set in, and it is time to take the next steps in MOC evolution. They take action and avoid waiting for perfect solutions and universal commonality.

This presentation will present a number of case studies, from companies that have recently updated their MOC processes, and use those case studies to illustrate the key learnings.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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