(65bj) Quantitative Risk Analysis of Nitrogen Fertilizer Plant, of Moron Petrochemical Complex | AIChE

(65bj) Quantitative Risk Analysis of Nitrogen Fertilizer Plant, of Moron Petrochemical Complex


Duarte, J. Sr., Petroquimica de Venezuela S.A.
Quantitative Risk Analysis of Nitrogen Fertilizer Plant, of Moron Petrochemical Complex

Considering the possible risk scenarios associated with new  Nitrogen Fertilizer Plants (Ammonia, Urea and Utilities) of the Moron Petrochemical Complex, in general, are common to most petrochemical complexes in the world and are a result of materials hazardous that are manufactured, processed, handled and stored at the facility; the various processing systems and conditions; the different procedures used for the operation and maintenance of the facility; as well as the response of the detection and mitigation of hazards. Previous experiences in similar plants indicate that the most likely hazards are those who identify with the physical-chemical properties of the materials used and the process conditions.

For petrochemical facilities, the most common consequences are:

  • Toxic Gas Effects
  • Jet Fire
  • Flash Fire
  • Pool Fire
  • Bleve
  • Vapor Cloud Explosions.

 Based on the premise of "Only what is known can be controlled," This paper aims to develop the Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA) for new Nitrogen Fertilizer plants (Ammonia, Urea and Utilities)  of Moron Petrochemical Complex,  which it is located in the jurisdiction of the Municipality Juan Jose Mora, Carabobo State from Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, considering for it the most severe scenarios identified previously by HAZOP analysis, SIL studies and previous plannings studies for the control and emergency response and contingency, then determining the levels of social and individual risk based on the probability of occurrence of the events of greater impact and its consequences and impact on people, equipment and buildings, comparing the risk levels obtained with tolerance criteria established by the corporation.

The Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA) are developed from the standard and guidelines of Petroleos de Venezuela, (PDVSA); Center of Chemical Process Safety (CCPS), and The Netherlands Organization (TNO), through the computational tool PHAST RISK 6.7 . from Det Norske Veritas (DNV).