(73a) Siting Bulk Hydrogen Storage Systems: Advances in Risk-Informed Siting Procedures in NFPA Codes | AIChE

(73a) Siting Bulk Hydrogen Storage Systems: Advances in Risk-Informed Siting Procedures in NFPA Codes

Abstract text

In  2007-2009 the NFPA Industrial and medical Gas Technical Committee and the NFPA Hydrogen Technology Technical Committee worked together to develop setback distances for the bulk gaseous hydrogen storage systems based on an analytical process that integrated both Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) modeling to evaluate the impacts of hydrogen releases and risk analysis to include the frequency of hydrogen releases,  the harm criteria associated with these releases, and the acceptable risk level for the setback distances calculated as a function of these inputs. An NFPA Hydrogen task Group was formed in2014 to accomplish the following tasks:

-Develop setback distances for Bulk Liquefied Hydrogen Storage based on a documented engineering procedure

-Evaluate storage system safety measures for both gaseous and liquefied hydrogen storage and develop a system for setback reduction based on additional layers of safety or new safety measures

-Evaluate the effectiveness of the setback distances developed for bulk gaseous hydrogen storage and make recommendations for changes in these distances.

This paper would summarize this work including the risk informed process for developing setback distances for bulk liquefied hydrogen storage which has not been addressed in NFPA codes.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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