(104b) Understanding California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard, Lcfs | AIChE

(104b) Understanding California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard, Lcfs


Varraveto, D. - Presenter, Burns & McDonnell
McCoy, E., Burns and McDonell
This presentation will cover the background, requirements, and impact on fuel producers from California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard, LCFS. Multiple layers of federal and state regulations driving production and use of renewable and more sustainable fuels will be peeled back to the LCFS. Comparison with the current federal Renewable Fuel Standard, RFS2 and the California Cap and Trade program will be included. Various technical and commercial pathways to LCFS compliance including a look at the current market for LCFS credits and potential liabilities for non-compliance will be discussed. The methods for registering fuels, for obtaining pathway Carbon Intensity, CI, ratings and for developing an integrated compliance strategy will be reviewed.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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