(116a) Managing Risk through Integrity Operating Windows | AIChE

(116a) Managing Risk through Integrity Operating Windows


Davis, F. R. - Presenter, Mistras Group
A comprehensive asset integrity management (AIM) program is essential to reducing risk of operations to as low as practicable. Risk profiles should be developed for each equipment item that has a potential influence on process safety.

A comprehensive asset integrity program is developed based on an analysis of all potential damage mechanisms that could adversely affect the process equipment. Inspection and test methodologies are then selected for the detection of all potential damage. A programmatic approach to getting the most safe and reliable longevity from the process equipment is then developed. Process equipment life-cycles can be effectively managed.

The first step in the development of a holistic AIM program is understanding all potential damage mechanisms that could affect the process equipment. A program has to be implemented for the management of the program in order to effectively reduce risk or operation. Understanding the operating parameters involved in the analysis of damage mechanisms and program development is critical to the effectiveness of the AIM program.

An Integrity Operating Window (IOW) program is the analysis of the parameters necessary to control the process within the limits utilized for the development of the AIM program. By implementing an effective IOW program a company can control potential damage to process equipment and can recognize changes to the process that effect the values used in development of the AIM program. Deviations from AIM safe operating limits can be recognized and efforts can be implemented to return the process to within the integrity operating windows.

This presentation will demonstrate the value of an IOW program and discuss the implementation of a program.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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