(132a) Carbon Capture and Reuse in Industrial Scale Continous Biological Processes | AIChE

(132a) Carbon Capture and Reuse in Industrial Scale Continous Biological Processes


Flores, E. III, Southwest Research Institute
Hartmann, M., Southwest Research Institute
Biological processes offer of the lowest energy consuming options for capturing and recycling carbon dioxide into useful sellable or stable products. As tools and technologies continue to advance in transgenics, the possibilities for industrial scale continuous biological processing is becoming a reality. Understanding the state of the art and pathways to address the challenges of scaling-up biological processes for carbon capture and sequestration are critical for advancement of these technologies. This presentation will review the state of the art and evaluate how tools in biochemical engineering (CRISPR) and process engineering will continue to advance biological processes that ultimately rival conventional chemical, petrochemical, and petroleum processes in capability.