(175b) Hydrocracking Reaction of a Petroleum Residue with a Continuous Catalyst Exchanging Reactor | AIChE

(175b) Hydrocracking Reaction of a Petroleum Residue with a Continuous Catalyst Exchanging Reactor


Lee, C. W., KRICT
Cho, J., University of Science and Technology
The world petroleum resources became heavier, due to explosive increase of energy consumption. Thus petroleum industries are actively looking for upgrading technologies targeting on heavy- or extra heavy-oils such as vacuum residue (VR), oil sand, bitumen, and etc. [1-4] To meet such needs, we present a research on upgrading technology aiming on de-asphalted oil (DAO), which is obtained by a solvent de-asphalting process from VR. De-asphalted oil can be obtained from a well-commercialized process, named solvent de-asphalting (SDA) process [5] of VR. An objective of the current research is to examine a catalytic hydrocracking technology of heavy-oils into environmentally benign fuel-oil, which lies in the boiling point (TBP) between 70 and 370 °C. We suggested to use of a cost-competitive catalyst and to utilize a continuous catalyst exchanging reactor.

Among many heavy-oil upgrading techniques, we propose a catalytic hydrocracking, which is typically operated at relatively high temperature and pressure environment. For the cracking reaction, we synthesized a bi-metal catalyst; two metal components of Ni and Mo were used to provide catalytic activity of hydrogenation and cracking and a cost-competitive goethite was used for the support. The current research examined catalytic hydrocracking on representative heavy petroleum residue of VR and DAO. Details of the catalyst synthesis and material properties of VR and DAO were reported elsewhere [6]. For the hydrocracking reaction, we have devised a continuous catalyst exchanging reactor (details of the reactor will be explained), and conducted catalytic hydrocracking at high temperature and pressure of 470 °C and 130 bar. As results of the reaction, we obtained low boiling point liquid products, and the products were fractionated based on boiling point (TBP) differences, which were measured by simulated distillation (SIMDIS) analysis. The products were categorized in 4 groups; light naphtha of TBP between 30 and 70 °C, fuel-oil of TBP between 70 and 370 °C, vacuum gas oil of TBP between 370 and 530 °C, and residue of TBP higher than 530 °C. The reaction showed over 95% conversion of both VR and DAO. Overall, we have successfully demonstrated that a NiMo/Goethite based catalytic hydrocracking process combined with a continuous catalyst exchanging reactor can be a good candidate for heavy-oil upgrading.


  1. J. Chang, N. Tsubaki, K. Fujimoto, Fuel 80, 1639 (2001)
  2. R. Yoshida, M. Miyazawa, H. Ishiguro, S. Ito, K. Haraguchi, H. Nagaishi, H. Narita, T. Yoshida, Y. Maekawa, Y. Mitarai, Fuel Process. Technol. 51, 195 (1997)
  3. R. Yoshida, M. Miyazawa, T. Yoshida, H. Narita, Y. Maekawa, Fuel 75, 99 (1996)
  4. R. Yoshida, T. Yoshida, H. Narita, Y. Maekawa, Fuel 65, 425 (1986)
  5. J.G. Speight, The Desulfurization of Heavy Oils and Residua, Marcel Dekker Inc., New York (2000)
  6. R. Sahu, B. J. Song, Y. P. Jeon, C. W. Lee, J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 35, 115 (2016)


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