(34a) Vacuum Distillation: Wash Zone Configuration | AIChE

(34a) Vacuum Distillation: Wash Zone Configuration


Sloley, A. W. - Presenter, Advisian (WorleyParsons Group)
Refinery vacuum units include a deentrainment, or wash zone, for removal of heavy material from desired products. Wash zone reliability problems often shut vacuum units down, causing significant losses. The review of wash zone operations cover;

  • Operating objectives
  • Fractionating versus deentraining wash zones
  • Wash zone terminology
  • Operating configurations
  • Hot-wash versus cold-wash
  • Wash oil distributors
  • Conventional configurations
  • Spray chambers
  • Multiple stage wash systems
  • Recycle wash systems
  • Wash zone modeling and reliability

 Elements of case studies from multiple units are included to illustrate key points.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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