(56f) Common Hurdles, Benefits, and Costs for Fully Implementing Process Safety Worldwide – Especially in Countries without PSM Regulations | AIChE

(56f) Common Hurdles, Benefits, and Costs for Fully Implementing Process Safety Worldwide – Especially in Countries without PSM Regulations


Bridges, W. - Presenter, Process Improvement Institute, Inc.
Dowell, A. III, Process Improvement Institute
Process safety is implemented around the world and most of those sites do not have government regulations for compliance to push them along. The hurdles for effective (full) implementation appear to be roughly common from country to country, and site to site. This paper summarizes the lessons learned from multiple companies/sites around the world. Specifically, the paper compares hurdles to effective implementation and how company crossed these hurdles. We also update earlier papers on the costs and benefits of effective implementation of process safety. Each of these implementations is an example of process safety implementation at a non-covered process and in many of the cases mentioned, the facilities implementing process safety outside of countries with process safety regulations do so better than those in regulated countries and extend process safety to all processes (including to processes such as steel making).


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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