(56s) Job Roles and Behavioral Based Safety | AIChE

(56s) Job Roles and Behavioral Based Safety


Logerot, D. - Presenter, ProSys, Inc.
This presentation will review the aspects of decision making that have a big impact on safety in industrial processes. Specifically we will look at key roles such as the control system operator and process engineer. We will cover specific areas such as:

  • Ability
  • Training
  • Mental and emotional state
  • Physical state
  • Information sources

We will discuss determining immediacy of the consequence and safe guards that can be deployed to prevent injury to personnel. We will contrast the various roles and how to assess gaps that need to be covered. With the turnover of personnel and loss of experienced personnel, it is critical to assess job functions and provide the appropriate safe guards to insure safe and reliable process operations.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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