(57a) What if PHAs Included an Analysis of Human Error? | AIChE

(57a) What if PHAs Included an Analysis of Human Error?


Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) studies such as What-If, HAZID, and HAZOP are used to evaluate potential risks to personnel, equipment, and facilities in proposed designs in the offshore and onshore oil and gas industry. These studies commonly include a fixed set of guidewords and parameters that identify when human error is a possible cause of process deviations. Further analysis of errors is not typically undertaken during these studies, however. Inputs from a previously conducted HAZOP study were modified to include an analysis of the types and causes of anticipated human error through the addition of specific human actors guidewords. Evaluating the probable cause and type of human error associated with various operator actions or inactions assists in determining when further review through means of a task analysis is advised.


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