Reactive Separations and Other Intensified Unit Operations | AIChE

Reactive Separations and Other Intensified Unit Operations


Ye, M., SABIC Americas, Inc.


Arora, G., SABIC Americas, Inc.

For a cost effective and energy efficient chemical process, various technologies are incorporated with reaction in one unit, equipment, or plant wide. Reactive Separations (RS) such as chemical absorption, reactive distillation, reactive extraction, etc. are proven process intensification technologies broadly used in biochemical, petrochemical and other industries. This session focus on the following topics: 1. Innovative application of the RS technology in a specific product either in laboratory development or in pilot / commercial plant; 2. Energy and capital cost savings by using RS technology; 3. Process debottlenecking and optimization for a commercial unit; 4. Value-added experiences in process design, development and in existing unit revamping and optimizations; 5. Sharing the operation experiences for troubleshooting and debottlenecking; 6. Modeling, licensing packages, from both academia and industry



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